Course ini membahasa aspek yang penting dalam audio production dan industri musik, sehingga siswa mendapatkan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk memulai karir di industri ini.
Pilihan karir setelah lulus: Studio Sound Engineer, Mix Engineer, Live Sound Engineer, Composer, Venue Coordinator, Recording Artist, Electronic Musician, Promoter, Client Liaison, dll
Syarat masuk: lulus kelas 3 SMU atau usia lebih dari 21 tahun, dan IELTS 5.5
- Implement Workplace Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
- Edit Sound Using Computerised Digital Equipment/Systems
- Operate Sound Mixing Console
- Create a Final Sound Balance
- Specify Sound Systems
- Use Instruments, Equipment and/or Electronic Technology For Making Music
- Use MIDI Devices and/or Software to Compose Music
- Develop and Implement an Operational Plan
- Maintain and Apply Music Industry Knowledge
- Develop Sound Design
- Implement Sound Design
- Develop and Implement Sound Production for a Recording
- Collaborate with Colleagues in Planning and Producing a Project
- Apply Music Knowledge and Artistic Judgement
Durasi: mulai dari 1 tahun.
Contoh mata pelajaran:
Basic Sound Theory
Basic Electronics
Signal Processing and Studio Equipment
Digital Audio Technology
Audio Post Production
MIDI Theory and Production
Live Sound
Introduction to Studios and Recording
Advanced Studio Studies
Mastering and Media Preparation
Graphics and Digital Image Processing
Basic Web Design
Setelah lulus program Diploma ini anda bisa melanjutkan ke program Bachelor (S1).
Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut dengan email ke atau YM konsultan kami, atau telepon (021) 7084 9494
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